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"Tiger's Eye" stone of will
  • "Tiger's Eye" stone of will


    TIGER EYE Natural Stone

    1 pair of interchangeable Gg.MasCot

    16mm cabochons


    Protects from snakes, vampires and hexes, all symbols of strong negative energies. The tiger eye is to the mineral world what garlic is to the vegetable world.


    The shield as a passive, defensive, protective and psychological weapon.

    Emblem of the affirmation of faith in the values that we defend.

    Virtues in lithotherapy :

    Tiger's Eye is the stone that will help your pet shy away from obsessive behavior (repetitive behavior that is linked to obsessions that it cannot control).

    It is a natural shield against negative energies that it reflects like a mirror.

    On the physical level:

    Promotes the proper functioning of the digestive system. As its protective effect eliminates stress, it avoids stomach problems, gastric acidity.

    It restores flexibility to bones and muscles.

    It amplifies visual acuity, improves night vision.

    On the spiritual level:

    The tiger eye protects from possible spells that would be cast.

    My advice: Use cabochons in care!

    This is the stone to use on the solar plexus chakra, 3rd chakra, the tiger eye will also be able to balance the dominant / dominated aspect of your pet.


    Distilled water with sea salt.


    Under the sun.

    • Sécurité du chien


      Nous ne pouvons pas être tenus responsables de toute blessure subie pendant que votre chien porte un de nos colliers.
      En tant que propriétaire de chien responsable s’il vous plaît:
      - Assurez-vous que le collier est un bon ajustement, vous devriez être en mesure d’obtenir deux doigts sous le col.
      - Inspectez votre collier de chiens régulièrement, assurez-vous qu’il est en bon ordre et que l’ajustement reste bon.
      - Ne laissez pas votre chien sans surveillance ou jouer avec d’autres chiens tout en portant un collier.

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