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Immerse yourself in the exquisite art of energetic intimacy with "Held," a profoundly sensual, emotionally nourishing erotic hypnosis experience. This is an invitation to be utterly cherished, seen, and held - mind, body, heart and soul.


From the first spoken word, feel yourself gently guided into a blissful state of trust and receptivity, enveloped in safety and reverence. Through lyrical, gracefully suggestive language, your skilled hypnotist will awaken your senses to a sublime dance of masculine and feminine energies. As you move deeper, discover new depths of surrender as you're masterfully seduced into relinquishing control and opening to exquisite pleasure.


For the Intimate Lover who Craves:


  • A sensual and spiritual journey into the heart of true intimacy and connection


  • Gentle yet powerful guidance into deep states of relaxation, receptivity and trance


  • Loving attention and appreciation directed towards your body, heart and being


  • Visceral descriptions that evoke the felt sense of skin-to-skin and soul-to-soul contact


  • Affirmations of your worth, desirability and right to rapturous sexual experiences


Yet this journey ventures beyond the realm of physical sensation alone. With each loving command and tenderly attentive description, "Held" speaks directly to your most secret yearnings - to be fully felt, beautifully beheld, and adored exactly as you are. As the session unfolds, feel your heart and being blossom under this outpouring of worshipful appreciation.


Woven into the sweetly sinful erotic storyline are potent themes of healing, growth and transformation. This is shadow work of the most enticing kind, an opportunity to explore the hidden caverns of your sensual psyche and return to the surface shining with empowered radiance. As your resistance melts and your cravings are lovingly expressed and met, reclaim lost pieces of your erotic wholeness.

Deeply Sexual Erotic ASMR for Women:


  • Explore the transformative power of yielding control and surrendering fully


  • Slowly building arousal and anticipation that mirrors an attentive lover's touch


  • Erotic hypnosis that liberates your sexual self-expression and awakens new cravings


  • Energetically charged words that transmit palpable sensation and emotion


  • Transcendent states of full-body and energy-body bliss anchored to your everyday life


"Held" is a complete, sensory experience, seamlessly blending the sultry power of sexual hypnosis meditation. Immerse yourself in a world of aural eroticism as evocative whispering, languid languaging and steady, rhythmic pacing lull you into transfixed arousal and enchantment.


Sexual Hypnosis Meditation for the Deep Sensualist:


  • Poetic and emotionally evocative language that speaks to your deepest needs for affection and appreciation


  • An intuitively attuned hypnotist who seems to see into your sensual soul and know exactly what you crave


  • Confident guidance into profound states of energetic connection and erotic ecstasy


  • A reverent, loving way of relating to your body and being that carries over into your life


  • Openhearted acceptance and permission to surrender into your most vulnerable yearnings


  • The felt sense of being utterly safe to explore and embody new depths of your sexuality


Listen often to marinate your erotic mind in this sumptuous, healing transmission. Savor being serenaded into greater and greater receptivity, saturated in sublime sensation and emotion.


Held: Sexual Hypnosis Meditation - Erotic ASMR for Women

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