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The Secrets To Picking Up Our Crown To Lead In The Spirit Of Excellence



Have you dropped your Crown?  Have you forgotten who you are?  Better yet, are you ready to Lead in the Spirit of Excellence? 


Well, the wait is over! If this book has made it into your hands, The Ancient Principles of Leadership from the Heavenly of Heavens wants to Unveil the Spiritual Secrets, Mysteries, and Truths you have been seeking.   


Since the Garden of Eden Experience, the longing for Divine Purpose is hidden within everyone’s human psyche; yet, only a few can tap into the Source of it.  Amid every seed of adversity, there is a hidden Blessing attached; however, it is our responsibility to ask, seek, and find the lesson or the win-win.  Truly, training our mind in such a manner helps our Crown to remain on our head and not on the ground, hidden somewhere in the thickets.


There is no better time to pick up your Crown than right now to Lead in the Spirit of Excellence, taking your ‘Good to Great’ and your ‘Better to Best’ with the Spiritual Tools you already possess from within.  Yes, with your flaws and all! According to the Heavenly of Heavens, you have the capacity to achieve the desires of your heart; however, there is a catch, you must own your truth on this Spiritual Journey.  The moment we change the way we perceive our flaws and get a grip on how we respond and why, we can better understand them, causing them to become our greatest assets or work in our favor.


Unbeknown to most, we tend to drop our Crown due to our faults and weaknesses, not realizing we have the power to choose to remain a victim or become a Winner in spite of whatever or whomever.  Yet, if we dare to pick up our Crown, dust ourselves off, reestablish our accountability in all areas, and step back into the Game of Life, we can cause our distractions to reward us for wasting or pilfering our time.   How is this possible?  The answers are woven into this book’s fabric to prepare you for the forthcoming opportunities, which have your name on them. 


If one desires to increase their effectiveness or impact while Leading in the Spirit of Excellence, this book is designed with you in mind.  So, do not miss out!  The Spiritual Compass from within is ready, willing, and able to Guide you into the Light as we take this Spiritual Journey together.

The Ancient Principles of Leadership

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