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Tend the Garden of Your Heart is a free downloadable e-book. It teaches children how to use basic cognitive-behavioral therapy skills to uproot negative beliefs and self-talk and to "plant" healthy, positive self-talk. It also addresses the importance of a healthy view of self and others by using the metaphor of a garden. Just as flowers come in all different shapes, sizes, and colors, so do people. Our differences do not take away from individual beauty and value, but enhance this beauty. 


This book was created to be used in conjunction with the Tend the Garden of Your Heart game. The game further explores the concepts from the book, helping children learn how to rescript self-talk, challenge unhealthy thinking patterns and beliefs, and to focus on positivity. 


The game is available as a hard copy, a PDF download, and a telehealth version.

Tend the Garden of Your Heart - A FREE CBT E-Book

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