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12-Week Strength Training Program

For Hiking and Outdoor Adventure 


This guide is written as an accompanying strength training program for people who are training for outdoor adventure (hiking, biking, etc). However, it can fit into your life even if hiking isn't your main focus. It is two days per week of lower-body focused exercises that challenge your mobility and stability for building strength in the "go" muscles. 


In the PDF, you'll find written workouts organized by week. Each day has an accompanying 6-10 minute video instruction explaining the movements and cues for each exercise, as well as any modifications.  


This program can be modified to 100% bodyweight (no equipment needed). However, if you are an advanced athlete, you may add weights (dumbbells, kettlebells) as instructed to make it a challenge. 


MAIN FOCUS: Learning the principles of MOVEMENT ECONOMY will help you build a better foundation of stability as you begin to improve your aerobic threshold. Without proper training and alignment, we lose energy FASTER and more quickly get fatigued.



Preview Week One HERE.


12-Week Strength Training Program

  • What if the workout (or specific exercise) is too hard?

    Begin by doing the exercises unweighted. If it is still too difficult with only your body weight, you can reduce the number of sets or the number of reps per set. You should do whatever you need to do to ensure that every rep is done with the proper form. Feel free to experiment with adding weight at any point in the program, IF YOU FEEL CAPABLE OF DOING SO WITH GOOD FORM. 

    How should I incorporate these workouts?

    These workouts will take 30-60 mins, depending on the day. For most people, these two weight training sessions will be enough each week. For others, they might serve as accessory to another training program. You should continue your cardiovascular training alongside these workouts. That means planned walks, hikes, and other forms of cardio to build your engine. Ultimately, you know your body best. Always listen to your body, and rest when you need to. 

    What if these workouts cause pain?

    Almost every workout in this program engages your lower back, glutes, quads, and hamstrings- so you will feel them working. However, there is a difference between “I can feel my lower back working” vs. “My lower back is in PAIN” or “I felt a pull/pop/shooting pain”. If you begin to feel discomfort, take a second to relax/stretch before continuing. However, if your sensations trend toward the latter examples of PAIN, do not continue. Reach out to the doctors at The Facility, or schedule an assessment with Aaron to ensure you have proper form in your movements.  

  • Aaron is a functional movement coach at The Facility. He is a certified personal trainer and NASM strenth & conditioning coach. Aaron is a Colorado native who loves adventuring outdoors. His efforts in the gym are driven by his passion for DOING. If you have specific questions about programming, or want to book a one-on-one session, reach out to the team at The Facility. 

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