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WW2 British "Pyrene" Vehicle Fire Extinguisher LABEL

WW2 British "Pyrene" Vehicle Fire Extinguisher LABEL


This item is a LABEL for a British Pyrene fire extinguisher as used on Military and Commercial vehicles from the late 1930s through to the late 1940's.  These are ideal to restore and display your original Pyrene fire extinguisher and are of museum quality and are weather proof for exterior use and display.  These are self adhesive, vinyl transfers - easy to apply - locate for position, smooth down from the center outwards very progressivley - can be reposotioned with light touches - risk of stretching if not - bubbles may be eased with the heat from a hair dryer - add more resilience with clear-coat afterwards.


We support a British re-enacting unit with many period WW2 vehicles and equipment specimens - the amount of fire extinguishers provided for these things is staggering - break out the blaster, the green paint and make them all ship shape and Bristol fashion ASAP.  We had original examples in our collection with great references for the transfer details (photo shows them side by side for comparison), form this we developed an art file and painstakingly improved it to be a most exacting copy.  These are ideal for civil and militarily incarnations of Morris, Humber, Austin, Daimler and other heavy vehicle marques - especially LRC, Quad, Dingo, Scout Car, Staff car, Carrier, Churchill, Cromwell London Bus and many other British vehicle types (and more lend-lease items that were equipped and issued to Commonwealth forces.


Our pricing process allows for singles, multiples or dealer / organization packages of LABELS to be purchased with best overall shipping costs.


Pyrene was founded in London in 1914  and grew in popularity as a Building, Business and Vehicle extinguisher trademark and brand.  In 1930 operations were stated from a custom built Art Deco factory in Brentford Middlesex, this factory produced all the hand held fire fighting equipment until 1950, when a new factory was established in Wales.  This label is typical of WW2 production rationing and design - only using 2 colors.

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