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Made of light and easy-to-handle aluminum, this bowl has a handle.

It can be used as a cooking bowl for holding cut ingredients, beating eggs, or for food preparation.

It is also just the right size for making dressings and salad dressings.

It is sturdy, easy to carry, and can be placed over an open flame. It is useful in outdoor situations.

To compensate for the disadvantages of aluminum, such as being troublesome to clean and easily scratched, the surface is protected by a shuric acid anodizing process.

A handle with a hole on one side allows for hooked storage.

63 Aluminum bowl 10cm

Sales Tax Included
  • サイズ/ 約10.9(取っ手含み:約12cm)x高さ4.3cm
    容量/ 約220ml
    材質/ アルミニウム合金(しゅう酸アルマイト加工)
    原産国/ 日本


  • 商品到着から7日以上経過した商品につきましては、原則交換・返品はお受けできません。




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