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Use these flashcards to teach vocabulary related to the Spanish alphabet. The sounds shown here represent those commonly used in most Spanish-speaking Latin American countries. However, it's important to consider cultural aspects, the position of the letter within a word, and the following points when teaching about this topic:


1. The sounds of the letters in the Spanish alphabet can vary across different regions of the Spanish-speaking world

2. Some letters share the same sound

3. Certain letters have two or more sounds

4. There is a letter that is silent

5. Some letters incorporate sounds from other languages



- 27 flashcards that include the name and sound of each letter, along with some related vocabulary

- An informative page with some of the Spanish letter pronunciation rules

- A page showing the parts of each flashcard

- A video that shows you what you'll get and suggests activities you can do with it - Click to watch the video



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- This resource has been developed taking into consideration the Spanish Royal Academy (RAE), which is the institution responsible for maintaining the proper use of the Spanish language. If you require any further clarification or information, I recommend visiting their website for consultation.
- The page layout is designed to fit a standard letter size format.



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Spanish Alphabet- name and sound

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