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Tue, Nov 28


Zoom Workshop

Self Healing Mastery Workshop: Retrieving and Integrating the Inner Child

In the second phase of this powerful workshop series, we are diving into healing and connecting with the inner child and integrating their experiences, creating a safe and nurturing space for them and reconnecting to our innate joy, innocence and soul purpose

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Self Healing Mastery Workshop: Retrieving and Integrating the Inner Child
Self Healing Mastery Workshop: Retrieving and Integrating the Inner Child

Time & Location

Nov 28, 2023, 7:00 PM CST – Nov 29, 2023, 9:00 PM CST

Zoom Workshop

About the event

Do you ever feel like you're living life on low power mode? Or you're missing the vibrancy and joy you had so available as a child?

This is in part due to fragmentation or soul loss. When we experience a significant trauma, it can be so aggravating to the soul or ego, that it has no choice but to split off or leave the body. This results in a disconnection from a vital part of you, and this part may stay anchored in a vibration or specific moment of trauma, looping over and over, trying to resolve the situation. This disconnection can manifest in the body as chronic disease, fatigue, numbness, anxiety, depression, addiction or other numbing or dissociating tactics. You may feel like as your adult self you are "moving on with life" but there is a part of you missing, still re-living and re-experiencing the trauma of the past.

In this workshop, we are learning to become our own self healers. We are learning to bravely dive into our subconscious (the quantum field) and our inner shadow realm to retrieve and reunify the parts of ourselves that are anchored or lost in another timeline. Through this courageous and transformative work, we bring home to ourselves the lost or hidden aspects of ourselves, and reunify with the vibrancy and soul gifts that they originally hold. We will learn to powerfully transmute and sit with emotion, tap into our heart space and higher self, and shift our vibration into a higher plane.

Through this powerful process, we can quickly and easily shift timelines, release physical body pains, resolve relationship issues, and quantum leap into a new reality. When we release the anchors of pain and trauma in our body and mind, we allow in higher dimensions and frequencies that will guide our ascension process deeper.

This is a collective and global movement of healing and releasing, that will not only impact and transform your life, but will aid your community, family (generational lineage) and the world at large. The greatest service to the world we can do is to heal ourselves and learn to live in peace and presence. Through this process you become a beacon of light and an anchor of higher consciousness.

Stepping in and making a commitment to this process is a huge leap of faith into profound self-healing, collective healing and transformation. You may not recognize the person you were once this series is complete.

In this series of 7 monthly workshops, we are focusing on giving you the tools, resources, and space to become your own Master Self Healer. Beginning October 30th, 2023, each workshop will cover teaching and tools on different aspects of the healing process, as well as guided meditations and a space to share and connect in community with soul family. Your healing will catapult and expand with safe and loving space held by you and for you, as you are allowed to share and be seen in your deepest healing processes.

You will come out of this experience with a new awareness, understanding and transformation. You will have a new capacity to work with triggers as they come up, a process to lean into to sit with and transmute them. You will re-integrate parts of yourself you thought you lost, and experience the profound joy and gifts that come with that.

Each workshop is $15 individually or a $700 investment for the whole series. Each participant will receive a recording of the live workshop after the Zoom call, and if you are not able to attend live you will receive the recording. Each workshop will cover a different aspect of the quantum healing process, and we will meet monthly for 7 months. You will also have access to a dedicated group space to share your experiences and connect with other participants.

2nd Workshop November 28th, 2023: 

In the second installment of this powerful workshop series, we are diving into recollecting and retreiving our lost soul fragments, starting with the inner child. When we experience significant childhood trauma, this can lead to dissociation, soul loss, lack of presence and forgetting who we truly are. Our inner child holds the blueprint for our true essence, our authenticity, and passion and purpose in this life. Through connecting with, retrieving and healing them, we reconnect to our true essence, we heal profoundly, and rewrite our life story. We also may connect to our starseed essence, that is held within our inner child blueprint and their connection to the cosmos and beyond. 

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    This includes entry to the live Zoom workshop and receiving the link for the recorded workshop

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