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What it's about

If you are a leader you are subject to pressure. In fact, one could argue that it is because of your ability to absorb pressure that you have been given a leadership role. But what happens when the pressure becomes uncomfortable? When the demands are more than you can manage. When your sense of being in control disappears. When you feel unsupported, and when your emotions become entangled in the situation. In those conditions pressure becomes stress. And it is not until stress develops into a physical or mental illness that it gets attention. Resilience Building helps you to... 👉 Bounce back from negative events 👉 Build confidence in your abilities, strengths, resources 👉 Raise awareness of negative attributions / a pessimistic style e.g. ‘all or none thinking’ 👉 Support the process of learning, insight, growth and development from setbacks and mistakes 👉 Increase positive expectations about outcomes 👉 Provide space, support and exercises that enable you to re-energise 👉 Enhance positive emotions which increase your capacity for creativity and big picture thinking 👉 Tap into the feeling of HOPE – one of the strongest predictors of success and overcoming adversity 🔐Lock in your free meeting now to start making progress!

Get in touch 👋

01279 871 413

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